Julia Dahlhoff (neé Hartweg)

Julia Hartweg, graduate student, würzburg university, multiple myeloma research, multiple myeloma microenvironmentreceived her Master in Life and Medical Sciences after completing her Bachelor in Molecular Biomedicine at the University of Bonn. In her master thesis she investigated the role of constitutive active c-Kit in placental development. To analyze placental defects she employed immunohistochemistry, in-situ hybridization and other techniques. Furthermore, she derived new trophoblast stem cell lines from blastocysts to conduct in vitro analysis of these newly established cell lines.

Julia joined the Beilhack Lab for her PhD thesis in June 2016 and received a prestigious scholarship of the DFG graduate training program 3D Infect. After completion of her thesis in 2020 she continues as a postdoctoral fellow working on the interaction of T cells with myeloma cells and myeloma niche cells. To this end she has been using light sheet fluorescence microscopy (LSFM) to study interactions in the 3D-structure of the bone marrow microenvironment. Julia’s research focus has broadened to cancer immunotherapy. She investigates cancer-stroma-immune cell interactions in hematopoietic and solid cancers and explores the function of TNFR superfamily receptors and their therapeutic benefit. 


Julia Dahlhoff, PhD

Tel:   +49-931-201 27637



Anany MA, Haack S, Lang I, Dahlhoff J, Gamboa Vargas J, Steinfatt T, Päckert L, Weisenberger D, Zaitseva O, Medler J, Kucka K, Zhang T, Van Belle T, van Rompaey L, Beilhack A*, Wajant H*. (2023). Generic design principles for antibody based tumour necrosis factor (TNF) receptor 2 (TNFR2) agonists with FcγR-independent agonism. Theranostics, in press

Haake M, Haack B, Schäfer T, Harter PN, Mattavelli G, Eiring P, Vashist N, Wedekink F, Genssler S, Fischer B, Dahlhoff J, Mokthari F, Kuzkina A, Welters MJP, Benz TM, Sorger L, Thiemann V, Amanzar G, Selle M, Thein K, Späth J, Gonzalez MC, Reitinger C, Ipsen-Escobedo A, Wistuba-Hamprecht K, Eichler K, Filipski K, Zeiner PS, Beschorner R, Goedemans R, Gogolla FH, Hackl H, Rosswinkel RW, Thiem A, Romer Roche P, Joshi H, Pühringer D, Wöckel A, Diessner JE, Rüdiger M, Leo E, Cheng PF, Levesque PFP, Goebeler M, Sauer M, Nimmerjahn F, Schuberth-Wagner C, Von Felten S, Mittelbronn M, Mehling M, Beilhack A, van der Burg SH, Riedel A, Weide B, Dummer R, Wischhusen J. (2023). Tumor-derived GDF-15 blocks LFA-1 dependent T cell recruitment and suppresses responses to anti-PD-1 treatment. Nature Communications 14(1):4253.

Gamboa Vargas J*, Wagner J*, Shaikh H, Lang I, Medler J, Anany M, Steinfatt T, Peña Mosca J, Haack S, Dahlhoff J, Büttner-Herold M, Graf C, Arellano E, Einsele H, Wajant H*, Beilhack A. (2022). A TNFR2-specific TNF fusion protein with improved in vivo activity. Front Immunol 13:888274.

Dahlhoff J, Manz H, Steinfatt T, Delgado-Tascon J, Seebacher E, Schneider T, Wilnit A, Mokhtari Z, Tabares P, Böckle D, Rasche L, Martin Kortüm K, Lutz MB, Einsele H, Brandl A, Beilhack A. (2022). Transient regulatory T cell targeting triggers immune control of multiple myeloma and prevents disease progression. Leukemia, 36(3):790-800.

Amich J, Mokhtari Z, Strobel M, Vialetto E, Sheta D, Yu Y, Hartweg J, Kalleda N, Jarick KJ, Brede C, Jordán-Garrote AL, Thusek S, Schmiedgen K, Arslan B, Pinnecker J, Thornton CR, Gunzer M, Krappmann S, Einsele H, Heinze KG, Beilhack A. (2020). 3D light sheet fluorescence microscopy of lungs to dissect local host immune Aspergillus fumigatus interactions. mBio 11(1): e02752-19

Jarick KJ, Mokhtari Z, Scheller L, Hartweg J, Thusek S, Le DD, Ranecky M, Shaikh H, Qureischi M, Heinze KG, Beilhack A. (2018). Photoconversion of Alloreactive T Cells in Murine Peyer’s Patches During Acute Graft-Versus-Host Disease: Tracking the Homing Route of Highly Proliferative Cells In Vivo. Front. Immunol. 9:1468.