Extension of FungiNet Research Consortium
Extension of the DFG CRC/Transregio 124 FungiNet
Continuation of a successful research network until 2021
The Collaborative Research Consortium on pathogenic fungi of the Universities of Jena and Würzburg will continue its joint research endeavor. The German Research Council (DFG) positively re-evaluated the Collaborative Research Centre/Transregio 124 FungiNet. The DFG financially supports its research on fungal infections, which threaten older or immunocompromised patients, e.g. with leukemia or following stem cell or organ transplantation. These infections are hard to manage because of late diagnosis, only limited understanding on the infection mechanisms as well as only few available, partially ineffective, therapeutic measures and increasing drug resistance. Prof. Axel Brakhage, head of this interdisciplinary research consortium, points out that “annually, two million people worldwide contract life-threatening fungal infections. An increasing problem, which causes approximately as many deaths every year as malaria or tuberculosis.”
The Beilhack lab strongly benefits from the interactions within the Collaborative Research Centre/Transregio (CRC/TR) 124 “Pathogenic fungi and their human host: Networks of Interaction” – short “FungiNet” to achieve the ambitious goals to better understand life-threatening fungal infections and to develop new, urgently needed antiinfective therapies.

The FungiNet Research Consortium meeting before the evaluation in February 2017 at the Institute for Molecular Infection Biology (IMIB) on the Medical Campus of Würzburg University
More information about the FungiNet Transregio (CRC/TR) 124 research consortium.