Zeinab Mokhtari, PhD
joined the Experimental Stem Cell Transplantation Lab as a postdoctoral researcher in January 2016. She received the BS degree in Physics from the University of Zanjan, Iran, the MS degree (with highest rank) in Condensed Matter Physics from the Alzahra University, Iran. After that she spent one year as a teaching assistant in the physics department in Tehran, Iran.
In 2011, she accepted an invitation for a PhD position in Applied Systems Biology group headed by Prof. Marc Thilo Figge at the Hans Knoell Institute (HKI) in Jena, Germany. In the interdisciplinary environment at the HKI, she contributed to the research on host-pathogen interaction with her solid background in physics. She has employed her theoretical skills to characterize cell migration and quantify cell-cell interactions in the immune system based on image data. During her PhD, she had efficient and fruitful collaborations with experimental partners. Now, in the Beilhack Lab, Dr. Mokhtari is applying her computational skills to address biological questions by quantification of the light sheet fluorescence microscopy and multiphoton laser-scanning microscopy data.
Dr. Zeinab Mokhtari
Tel: +49-931-201 44051
Nava Lauson CB, Tiberti S, Corsetto P, Conte F, Punit T, Machwirth M, Ebert S, Loffreda A, Scheller L, Mokhtari Z, Sheta D, Peters T, Raman AT, Greco F, Rizzo A, Beilhack A, Signori G, Tumino N, Vacca P, McDonnell L, Raimondi A, Greenberg PD, Huppa JB, Cardaci S, Caruana I, Rodighiero S, Nezi L, Manzo T. (2023). Linoleic acid potentiates CD8+ T cell metabolic fitness and anti-tumor immunity. Cell Metabolism, in press
Shaikh H, Gamboa Vargas J, Mokhtari Z, Jarick KL, Ulbrich M, Peña Mosca J, Le DD, Heinze KG, Büttner-Herold M, Rosenwald A, Pezoldt J, Huehn J, Beilhack A. (2021). Mesenteric lymph node transplantation in mice to study immune responses of the gastrointestinal tract. Front Immunol 12:689896.
Schwinn S, Mokhtari Z, Thusek S, Schneider T, Sirén AL, Tiemeyer N, Caruana I, Miele E, Schlegel PG, Beilhack A, Wölfl M. Cytotoxic effects and tolerability of gemcitabine and axitinib in a xenograft model for c-myc amplified medulloblastoma. Sci Rep 11:14062
Bäuerlein CA, Qureischi M, Mokhtari Z, Tabares P, Brede C, Jordán Garrote AL, Riedel SS, Chopra M, Reu S, Mottok A, Arellano-Viera E, Graf C, Kurzwart M, Schmiedgen K, Einsele H, Wölfl M, Schlegel PG, Beilhack A. (2020). A T-cell Surface Marker Panel Predicts Murine Acute Graft-versus-Host Disease. Front Immunol 11:593321.
Schneidereit D, Bröllichs A, Ritter, P, Kreiss L, Mokhtari Z, Beilhack A, Krönke G, Ackermann JA, Faas M, Grüneboom A, Schürmann S, Friedrich O. (2020). An advanced optical clearing protocol allows label-free detection of tissue necrosis via multiphoton microscopy in injured whole muscle. Theranostics 11(6):2876-2891.
Cordes S, Mokhtari Z, Bartosova M, Mertlitz S, Riesner K, Shi Y, Mengwasser J, Kalupa M, McGeary A, Schleifenbaum J, Schrezenmeier J, Bullinger L, Diaz-Ricart M, Palomo M, Carrreras E, Beutel G, Schmitt CP, Beilhack A, Penack O. (2021). Endothelial damage and dysfunction in acute graft-versus-host disease. Haematologica 106(8):2147-2160.
Amich J*, Mokhtari Z*, Strobel M, Vialetto E, Sheta D, Yu Y, Hartweg J, Kalleda N, Jarick KJ, Brede C, Jordán-Garrote AL, Thusek S, Schmiedgen K, Arslan B, Pinnecker J, Thornton CR, Gunzer M, Krappmann S, Einsele H, Heinze KG, Beilhack A. (2020). 3D light sheet fluorescence microscopy of lungs to dissect local host immune Aspergillus fumigatus interactions. mBio 11(1): e02752-19.
Jarick KJ, Mokhtari Z, Scheller L, Hartweg J, Thusek S, Le DD, Ranecky M, Shaikh H, Qureischi M, Heinze KG, Beilhack A. (2018). Photoconversion of Alloreactive T Cells in Murine Peyer’s Patches During Acute Graft-Versus-Host Disease: Tracking the Homing Route of Highly Proliferative Cells In Vivo. Front. Immunol. 9:1468.
Wertheimer T, Velardi E, Tsai J, Cooper K, Xiao S, Kloss CC, Ottmüller KJ, Mokhtari Z, Brede C, deRoos P, Kinsella S, Palikuqi B, Ginsberg M, Young LF, Kreines F, Lieberman SR, Lazrak A, Guo P, Malard F, Smith OM, Shono Y, Jenq RR, Hanash AM, Nolan DJ, Butler JM, Beilhack A, Manley NR, Rafii S, Dudakov JA, van den Brink MRM. (2018). Production of BMP4 by endothelial cells is crucial for endogenous thymic regeneration. Sci Immunol 3:19.
Solimando AG*, Brandl A*, Mattenheimer K, Graf C, Ritz M, Ruckdeschel A, Stühmer T, Mokhtari Z, Rudelius M, Dotterweich J, Bittrich M, Desanti V, Ebert R, Trerotoli P, Frassanito MA, Rosenwald A, Vacca A, Einsele H, Jakob F, Beilhack A. (2018). JAM-A as a prognostic factor and new therapeutic target in multiple myeloma. Leukemia 32(3):736-743.
Kalleda N, Amich J, Arslan B, Poreddy S, Mattenheimer K, Mokhtari Z, Einsele H, Brock M, Heinze KG and Beilhack A. (2016). Dynamic Immune Cell Recruitment After Murine Pulmonary Aspergillus fumigatus Infection under Different Immunosuppressive Regimens. Front. Microbiol. 7:1107.
Mokhtari Z, Mech F, Zehentmeier S, Hauser AE and Figge MT. (2015). Quantitative image analysis of cell colocalization in murine bone marrow. Cytometry Part A 87, 503 – 512.
Duggan S, Essig F, Hünniger K, Mokhtari Z, Bauer L, Lehnert T, Brandes S, Häder Ö, Jacobsen ID, Martin R, Figge MT and Kurzai O. (2015). Neutrophil activation by Candida glabrata but not Candida albicans promotes fungal uptake by monocytes. Cellular Microbiology 17.9, 1259-1276.
Medyukhina A, Timme S, Mokhtari Z and Figge MT. (2015). Image-based systems biology of infection, Cytometry Part A 87, 462-470.
Brandes S, Mokhtari Z., Essig F, Hünniger K, Kurzai O and Figge MT. (2014). Automated segmentation and tracking of non-rigid objects in time-lapse microscopy videos of polymorphonuclear neutrophils, Medical Image Analysis, Elsevier 20, 34 – 51.
Mokhtari Z, Mech F, Zitzmann C, Hasenberg M, Gunzer M and Figge MT. (2013). Automated characterization and parameter-free classification of cell tracks based on local migration behavior. PloS One 8, e80808.