11th DFG Graduate College Retreat – Erlangen-Tübingen-Würzburg
11th DFG Immunology Graduate College Retreat in Obertrubach (Fränkische Schweiz)
Members of the DFG Immunology Programs from the Universities of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Tübingen, Würzburg met for the 11th time. Graduates have the opportunity to present and discuss their research projects, advances in the field and novel perspectives with professors in an inspiring atmosphere. The network meeting includes the graduate programs from Erlangen (IRTG SFB 685 Immunotherapy), Tübingen (GK1660 Adaptive Immunity) and Würzburg (GK Immunomodulation). The graduate program Immunomodulation is part of the Würzburg Graduate School of Life Sciences (GSLS).