Lukas Scheller

Experimentelle Doktorarbeit, Immunologie, Stammzelltransplantation, Immuntherapie, Graft-versus-Host Disease, GVHD, T Zellantworthas been working on his medical doctoral thesis in close collaboration with Katja Jarick (née Ottmüller) to study the homing mechanisms of alloreactive donor T cells in the intestinal tract during acute GvHD. More specifically, he investigated factors, which efficiently guide T cell migration from secondary lymphoid organs to the intestinal lamina propria. Completing medical school he was also selected for a fellowship program at Stanford University. For his outstanding achievements he was awarded with a scholarship of the Studientstiftung des deutschen Volkes. Lukas Scheller completed his medical studies at the University of Würzburg and is now a physician scientist at the Department of Medicine II at Würzburg University Hospital.

Contact information:

Lukas Scheller, MD

Tel: +49-931-201 27368

Publications completed during medical school:

Jarick KJ, Mokhtari Z, Scheller L, Hartweg J, Thusek S, Le DD, Ranecky M, Shaikh H, Qureischi M, Heinze KG, Beilhack A. (2018). Photoconversion of Alloreactive T Cells in Murine Peyer’s Patches During Acute Graft-Versus-Host Disease: Tracking the Homing Route of Highly Proliferative Cells In Vivo. Front. Immunol. 9:1468.

Xiao Z, Alam IS, Simonetta F, Chen W, Scheller L, Murty S, Lohmeyer JK, Ramos TL, James ML, Negrin RS, Gambhir SS. (2022). ICOS immunoPET enables visualization of activated T cells and early diagnosis of murine acute gastrointestinal GvHD. Blood Advances 6(16):4782-4792.

Simonetta F, Alam IS, Lohmeyer JK, Sahaf B, Good Z, Chen W, Xiao Z, Hirai T, Scheller L, Engels P, Vermesh O, Robinson E, Haywood T, Sathirachinda A, Baker J, Malipatlolla MB, Schultz LM, Spiegel JY, Lee JT, Miklos DB, Mackall CL, Gambhir SS, Negrin RS. (2021). Molecular Imaging of Chimeric Antigen Receptor T Cells by ICOS-ImmunoPET. Clin Cancer Research 15;27(4):1058-1068.

Alam IS, Simonetta F, Scheller L, Mayer AT, Murty S, Vermesh O, Nobashi TW, Lohmeyer JK, Hirai T, Baker J, Lau KH, Negrin R, Gambhir SS. (2020). Visualization of Activated T Cells by OX40-ImmunoPET as a Strategy for Diagnosis of Acute Graft-versus-Host Disease. Cancer Research 80(21):4780-4790.

Nava Lauson CB, Tiberti S, Corsetto P, Conte F, Punit T, Machwirth M, Ebert S, Loffreda A, Scheller L, Mokhtari Z, Sheta D, Peters T, Raman AT, Greco F, Rizzo A, Beilhack A, Signori G, Tumino N, Vacca P, McDonnell L, Raimondi A, Greenberg PD, Huppa JB, Cardaci S, Caruana I, Rodighiero S, Nezi L, Manzo T. (2023). Linoleic acid potentiates CD8+ T cell metabolic fitness and anti-tumor immunity. Cell Metabolism 35(4):633-650.e9.