Julia Delgado Tascón, PhD
joined the Experimental Stem Cell Transplantation Laboratory as postdoctoral research fellow in October 2016.
After her first experience in Germany as a fellow of the international DAAD student exchange program in the Department of Cell Biology at the University of Konstanz, she finished her studies in biology at the Univerisity of Tolima, Colombia. Subsequently, she was accepted to conduct her doctoral studies in the molecular and cellular biology group headed by Prof. Christof Hauck at the University of Konstanz, Germany. There she investigated two human immune receptors, which are members of the Carcinoembryonic antigen -CEA- multigene family (CEACAM3 and CEACAM4), and their role in the recognition, phagocytosis and clearance of different human-restricted pathogenic bacteria (eg. Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Neisseria meningitidis, Mozarella catarrhalis and Haemophilus influenza).
During her PhD research she developed multidisciplinary skills by applying fluorescence (LSM, CSFM, FRET) and electron microscopy, multicolor flow cytometry, next- generation 454-sequencing, CRISPRCas9 knock-out system and biochemistry methods to provide novel insights into the signaling function of both paghocytic receptors in vitro and in vivo.
Dr. Julia Delgado Tascón
Tel: +49-931-201 27637
Solimando AG*, Da Vià MC* , Cicco S, Leone P, Di Lernia G, Giannico D, Desantis V, Frassanito MA, Morizio A, Delgado Tascon J, Ranieri G, Ria R, Rasche L, Kortüm KM, Beilhack A, Racanelli V, Vacca A, Einsele H. (2019). High-Risk Multiple Myeloma: Integrated Clinical and Omics Approach Dissects the Neoplastic Clone and the Tumor Microenvironment. J Clin Med 8(7): 997
Delgado Tascón J, Adrian J, Kopp K, Scholz P, Tschan MP, Kuespert K, Hauck CR. (2015). The granulocyte orphan receptor CEACAM4 is able to trigger phagocytosis of bacteria. J Leukoc Biol. 97(3): 521-531
Pils S, Kopp K, Peterson L, Delgado Tascón J, Nyffenegger-Jann NJ, Hauck CR. (2012). The adaptor molecule Nck localizes the WAVE complex to promote actin polymerization during CEACAM3-mediated phagocytosis of bacteria. PLoS One 7(3):e32808.