Josefina Peña Mosca
graduated from a Bachelor of Science degree in Biochemistry in Uruguay in the college of Science of the Universidad de la República (UdelaR) in 2015. During her undergraduate thesis performed at the Institut Pasteur de Montevideo, she explored new methods to assess phagosome maturation and its modulation by an enzyme of Mycobacterium tuberculosis employing in a model of murine macrophage phagocytosis of latex particles. She was awarded with a research initiation scholarship of the Nacional Agency of Investigation and Innovation of Uruguay. After graduation she worked as teaching assistance of Clinical Microbiology and Biochemistry in the college of Chemistry and Science respectively of the Universidad de la República.
In 2017 she started the international FOKUS in Life Sciences program at Würzburg University. Following her interest in microscopy and the immune system, she joined the Experimental Stem Cell Transplantation lab for her master thesis in April 2018 working in close collaboration with Katja Jarick, PhD. Currently, she is performing her doctoral studies on intestinal T cells employing different microscopy techniques such as in vivo two-photon microscopy and light sheet fluorescence microscopy.
Josefina Peña Mosca
Tel: +49-931-201 44041