Hannah Manz
completed her studies in Biology at the University of Würzburg in 2018. During her Bachelor thesis at the Institute for Molecular Infection Biology (IMIB) she investigated the function of an ABC transporter in the pathogenic yeast Candida albicans. In 2017 Hannah joined the Beilhack Lab for her master thesis. Here she was focusing on delivery patterns of therapeutic nanoparticles into human pathogenic fungi.
Since November 2018 she is expanding her knowledge and skills in the field of cancer genetics and immunobiology. The focus of her PhD project is the interaction of multiple myeloma cells with other cell types from their local microenvironment. She investigates cell adhesion and migration mechanisms of multiple myeloma niche in cancer cell survival and drug resistance for improving cancer therapy. She employs preclinical in vivo mouse models and non‑invasive imaging techniques sensitively track multiple myeloma disease progression, dissemination and response to therapy. This in vivo approach is complemented by other in vitroand in vivoexperiments such as flow cytometry as well as RT-qPCR and microscopy techniques.
Hannah Manz, MSc.
Tel: +49 931 201 27637
Horvat S, Yu Y, Manz H, Keller T, Beilhack A, Groll J, Albrecht K. Nanogels as antifungal-drug delivery system against Aspergillus fumigatus. Advanced NanoBiomed Research, in press
Ramírez-Zavala B, Manz H, Englert F, Rogers DP, Morschhäuser J. (2018). A hyperactive form of the zinc cluster transcription factor Stb5 causes YOR1 overexpression and Beauvericin resistance in Candida albicans. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 62(12): pii: e01655-18.