Taming Acute GvHD – New Publication in Blood

In a collaborative project between our team and the group of Prof. Harald Wajant we discovered a mechanism how Fn14 blockade with an ADCC-defective human immunoglobulin G1 antibody reduced acute graft-versus-host disease, a life-threatening complication after allogeneic hematopoietic transplantation, while not impairing immune responses against lymphomas. The publication of Martin Chopra et al. is accompanied by an editorial by David J. MacEwan:

TWEAK-Fn14Chopra M, Brandl A, Siegmund D, Mottok A, Schäfer V, Biehl M, Kraus S, Bäuerlein CA, Ritz M, Mattenheimer K, Schwinn S, Seher A, Grabinger T, Einsele H, Rosenwald A, Brunner T, Beilhack A*, Wajant H*. (2015). Blocking TWEAK-Fn14 interaction inhibits hematopoietic stem cell transplantation-induced intestinal cell death and reduces GvHD. Blood 126(4):437-444.

Editorial: Blood 126(4):429-430.


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